Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What Fitness Means to Me

It has been a while since I've visited my blog. I thought it would be appropriate to start posting fitness tip since I am beginning to get followers to Insanity and P90X in Micronesia, especially Pohnpei. 

So, what does it mean to be fit and healthy? It means everything believe it or not. It is not just physical, but mental, and psychological. Being physically healthy and fit involves not only how you look, but also how you feel and your overall health. Livestrong (2012) stated that some of the measures of physical health and fitness are hidden, showing up in blood tests that measure your cholesterol and blood pressure. However, when you implement measures to improve these health indicators, your physical shape will probably improve, as well. 

Only a year ago, I was over 265 lbs and can hardly run 50 feet. While I've yet to reach my goal, I've seen significant change in my overall fitness and health. I am no longer sluggish and I can ran over three miles. I've lost 20 lbs and my blood pressure and cholesterol has improved tremendously. I had to first replace my unhealthy habit with healthier ones. I make sure to always eat lots of vegetables and fruits, especially local ones. Some of you will find some part of being healthy more challenging than others. We all have our weaknesses. I was a powerlifter, so it didn't take me long to get into the workout, however, I struggled with food since I love to eat. I had to change my mindset that I don't have to starve myself to lose weight and be healthy, I just need to replace  unhealthy food with healthier ones. One tip that I've learned, is that the more natural the food, the healthier. Stay away from processed food. How do you know if a food is healthy? First, make sure it is not in a can, second, the shelf life should not exceed over two to three days. 

You've probably have some loved ones that have died of diabetic or heart disease. These are preventable diseases. How sad that we basically stopped physical work like our forefathers and just ate ourselves to death. I mean, if I point a gun to your head, you would do anything to prevent me from blowing your head off, right? Well, it is the same thing as what we are doing to our body. While it is not sudden, you might as well pull the trigger. What a terrifying picture if you sit and really think about it. 

Well, my friend, I hope I had put the fear in you to start today in changing your life and become healthy. Heck, if you don't want to do if for yourself, think about your loved ones. It would be a shame, if you could see your precious kids grow up, but you were too selfish to take care of yourself. That is why I've created this blog or conduct Insanity workout at the Pohnpei Fitness Gym so you can have the chance to be fit and healthy. My mission is to reverse the obesity trend in Micronesia, but I can't do it alone, I need you to help me achieve that mission.

If your goal is to be fit, healthy or just look good, you have come to the right place. I aim to do whatever I can to make sure that you reach your goal. Why would I do something like that? Well, I am on the same path. I figured that it be more worthwhile to help others so I can help myself. How about it?


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